Generation Specific > 2nd Generation Build Thread

1988 Turbo 'Vert Project

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Still haven't run her long enough to see about the diff noise or the suspected PCV issue, but swapping out the single-wire temperature sensors for ones that were more appropriately ranged for the circuit I built and had a dedicated ground seems to have completely solved the sensing issue that I was having, so that's a big positive! Now I need to put some more miles on her to see what other things crop up.

The weather is kinda getting warmer, if you time the days right to take her out for a long fun cruise.

Oh, since that post last year I've put a few thousand miles on her and everything seems to be working well. I'll probably swap the RX-8 and RX-7 on insurance so it gets a bit of use anyway.

Savannah is out of storage, and got a new top finally! Paul's Auto Interiors in Pontiac did it, and it looks really good now. I haven't put it down yet since they advised waiting another week for the vinyl to finish stretching, but it's nice and taut and the new headliner looks much better than the old, stained one.

I need to track down a few electrical gremlins, including a mystery loss in voltage that is causing some occasional issues with gauges and starting, the headrest speakers stopped working, and the tune needs a little bit of tweaking - something doesn't feel quite right. Otherwise, I think she's ready for summer!


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