Author Topic: Corbeau Group Buy!!!  (Read 527 times)

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Corbeau Group Buy!!!
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:57:23 AM »
Its that time of year again.. TAX REFUND! and what better way to stimulate the economy by buying new goods, from an englishman! Paul and I are organizing a group buy to be placed sometime mid March.

Basically seats are expensive to ship so we are getting a pallet of corbeau, it can be seats, harnesses, brackets and etc.

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We have spoken to some individuals about this and have gained some interest, but we want to be able to ship 8 seats. to complete the pallet. Ideally 4 people get pairs but I understand if two individuals want one seat.

5% off MRSP
31 dollars per seat to ship
Pay no sales tax

I understand this isn't massive savings but they already do have great prices for their products but this will help out on shipping to your door and I can work out delivery (personally) depending on where you are located at. This is generally just to help ease the cost of all of us wanting the same thing.

Please have a preference in color, because some may not be readily available. Provide a top 3 choices for color. Feel free to call or message either me or Paul.

1. Kevin -  2 seats and 1 harness

The next rallycross is March 9th and we anticipate to order them after the event sometime. Solo doesn't begin for a while and the next rallycross after March is end of May. So there is plenty of time for vehicle prep.
